How To Delete An App That Wont Download

Complete these steps

Sometimes, you don't need to see an entire screen full of app icons, or you need an app installed, but don't need to tap it often. Here's how to easily store all your apps in the App Library in. C) At times iOS won't let you delete your songs. This is one issue that can be resolved by simply deleting the song from the iTunes folder. Once that song is deleted from there it won't appear on your mobile iOS device either. If you lost data on your computer, unfortunately, don't worry! You still have the chance to get lost data back.

  1. Ensure your console has the latest system update.
  2. From the HOME Menu, select System Settings.
  3. Scroll down the options on the left and select Data Management.
  4. On the right-hand side select Manage Software, then select the software you would like to manage or delete. Depending on the system menu version, one or more of the following options will be available:
    • Prevent Auto Archiving:* The software will not be archived automatically. When archiving software manually, it will be listed toward the bottom of the list.
    • Archive Software:* The downloaded software will be deleted to free up storage space. You can redownload it by selecting the software icon on the HOME Menu.
    • Delete Software: The software and the icon will be deleted from the HOME Menu. The software can be redownloaded from the Nintendo eShop.
    • Check for Corrupt Data:* Check for corrupt data on downloadable software.

*Available after performing a system update.

Sometimes, you don't need to see an entire screen full of app icons, or you need an app installed, but don't need to tap it often. Here's how to easily store all your apps in the App Library in iOS 14.

How To Delete An App That Hasn't Downloaded

If you're tired of scrolling through page after page of apps in your iPhone, iOS 14 has a new trick for you — hiding apps. All apps on your iPhone can now easily be stored in the App Library, and we can show you how to do it.

The App Library allows you to store all your apps in a single place, rather than having individual apps scattered across multiple home screens. Keeping apps in the App Library is especially useful if you've got apps that you need regular access to, but don't need to access daily.

Moving apps to the App Library does not truly hide the apps the same way that hiding photos works in iOS 14. Still, it does keep your home screen cleaned up quite nicely.

How to hide apps in iOS 14

  1. Tap and hold your home screen until you see the apps wiggle
  2. Tap on the app you wish to delete
  3. Tap Remove App
  4. Tap Move to App Library

You can now swipe to your right-most screen where all your apps are stored. Apps that are moved to the App Library are also available in search and can be launched via a Siri query.

How To Delete An App That Wont Downloading


If you decide that you like the App Library and you want all your apps to download into it automatically, that's easy enough to do, too.

How To Delete An App That Wont Download
Setting apps to automatically download to the App Library

How to download apps to your App Library in iOS 14

  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap Home Screen
  3. Tap App Library
  4. Optional: Toggle on notification badges by tapping Show in App Library under the Notification Badges option.

Of course, if you don't want an app on your iPhone at all, it's easy to get rid of it. Remember that deleting an app also clears all your data unless the app stores it in the cloud, so be careful to back up anything you want.

You can also get rid of some of the preloaded apps that Apple ships with your phone, too. This includes apps like Tips, TV, and Weather.

You can even delete preloaded apps, like Tips

How To Delete An App That Is Downloading

  1. Tap and hold your home screen until you see the apps wiggle
  2. Tap on the app you wish to delete
  3. Tap Remove App
  4. Tap Delete App
  5. Tap Delete

If you decide that you would like the app on your iPhone again, you can download them from the App Store — this includes apps that Apple has preloaded on your phone.

How To Delete An App That Downloaded Itself

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