Past Simple Vragencollege St. Paul

Past Simple Vragencollege St. Paul

Exercise 1

Choose the correct past simple forms to complete the sentences below.

Paul the Apostle, original name Saul of Tarsus, (born 4 bce?, Tarsus in Cilicia now in Turkey—died c. 62–64 ce, Rome Italy), one of the leaders of the first generation of Christians, often considered to be the most important person after Jesus in the history of Christianity.In his own day, although he was a major figure within the very small Christian movement, he also had many. Application for Graduation. All students must apply for graduation, regardless of whether they plan to participate in the graduation ceremony. Submitting an application for graduation initiates the official review of your records, notation of your graduation to your transcripts, and ordering of your degree, diploma, and/or certificate.


Past simple – form

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Spelling of regular verbs

Past Simple Vragencollege St. Paul
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Past simple – use

Completed actions in the past

We use the past simple to talk about actions or events that happened in the past. We know or we say when the events happened.

  • I saw Jim yesterday.
  • We didn’t go out last Saturday. We stayed at home.
  • She moved to Chester three years ago.

Past habits

We use the past simple to talk about past habits (things that we did more or less often).

  • She washed her hair every day.
  • She worked as a nurse.
  • I often played in the park when we were children.

Situations that were true in the past

We also use the past simple to talk about things that were true in the past.

  • My grandfather had two brothers.
  • He lived with my grandparents as a child.

Events in chronological order

We use the past simple to describe the main events of a story in chronological order.

Past simple vragen college st paul minnesota

College St Paul Den Haag

Past Simple Vragencollege St. Paul

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  • When I arrived home, I took off my shoes and then I relaxed on the sofa