The Kite Runnermr. Becker's Classroom

  1. Kite Runner Book Free
  2. The Kite Runnermr. Becker's Classroom Activities
The kite runnermr. becker

In 'Journey', a girl uses a magic crayon to draw lots of different things that spark her imagination. One of her special objects was a kite, so we made our own and carried out a science experiment to see which kind of kite tail would help it fly best. They had to explain in decimals and fractions the amounts of each colour. Later, they were given a value for each colour. From these values, they figured out the cost of their kite. They completed the task by writing a cheque in the amount of the kite value. Trying to fly the kite involved more problem solving and perseverance.

The kite runnermr. becker
Product Detail
A square is just a square until it becomes a house in this clever book. A circle becomes a spinning ferris wheel, and when you add some string and a tail to a diamond shape, it becomes a kite flying high in the sky! With sprightly rhymes and energetic illustrations filled with hidden shapes, Dayle Ann Dodds and Julie Lacome reveal that shapes are everywhere. Encouraged by this entertaining introduction to an important first concept, young children will eagerly begin to identify shapes in the world around them.
The Kite Runnermr. Becker

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The kite runner

Kite Runner Book Free


The Kite Runnermr. Becker's Classroom Activities

Being a hero is not something everyone can be. One has to make sacrifices for the better of others. If one is not willing to make sacrifices, they are not strong enough to be a hero. Specific heroes are hard to find. Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner”, revolves around characters portraying heroism. Although the story revolves around many characters showcasing the theme of heroism, the character that has been the hero throughout the story is Hassan. This is proved by the sacrifices Hassan made for Amir, Hassan accepting his mother back into his life and Hassan protecting Baba’s house after he left to America. Firstly, Hassan is the true hero of the story because he was constantly there for Amir. Hassan was loyal and was willing to do anything for Amir: “For you a thousand times over!” (Hosseini, 71). This quote specifically portrays that Hassan was willing to do anything for Amir, as he said he will do anything a thousand times over for him. This is a powerful quote because this exemplifies Hassan being heroic through his loyalty for Amir. Hassan also was willing to do anything for Amir without expecting anything back from. Hassan also proved his heroism when he stood up for Amir against Assef: “If you make a move, they’ll have to change your nickname from ‘Assef the Ear Eater’ to ‘One Eyed Assef’, because I have this rock pointed at your left eye” (Hosseini, 45). This quote portrays Hassan’s heroism because Hassan stood up against Assef. Amir was being threatened by Assef and Hassan was courageous enough to point a loaded slingshot at Assef telling him to leave them alone. This is also important because Hassan is a Hazara and Assef is a Pashtun. Pashtuns are the higher class and have more authority over Hazaras. Even though Assef was older, stronger and a Pashtun, Hassan still stood up against him to protect Amir showcasing his heroism. This...