2.4 Gravity Pipelinedesign Water Supply System

Operation and Maintenance of a Small Drinking-water Supply iii Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 What this booklet covers 1 1.2 Further guidance 1 2 Setting Objectives for the Operation of Your Water Supply 2 2.1 Quantity and pressure 2 2.2 Quality 3 2.3 Cost 3 2.4 Other level-of-service targets 3 2.5 Recording performance 4.

Gravity Fed System for a High Rise tower

2.4 Gravity Pipeline Design Water Supply Systems

Gravity Fed System for a High Rise tower


2.4 Gravity Pipeline Design Water Supply System Evaluation Form

  • Jan 27, 2016 Here’s a quick look into the world of pipeline design. Pipeline design begins with a study of the proposed route, including full environmental and engineering assessments: Designers draft detailed schematics based on over 500 pages of standards: The composition of the steel is a key factor to in the pipeline’s integrity.
  • 2 4.1.3 Type of Raw Water Transmission Interpretation 1. Type of Raw Water Transmission The types of raw water transmission include the gravity flow type, pumping type and their combination in accordance with the difference in elevation between its beginning point, i.e., the.

2.4 Gravity Pipeline Design Water Supply System In Building

Your input would be very much appreciated. The following problem is building services related, best person to answer - hydraulic engineer, fire engineer, fluid mechanics expert
Situation: Water storage tank at level Z, with effective head at outlet 2m (20kPa). Outlet is re-entrant tube Ø150 mm Gravity feed stack/riser (i.e serving levels below the tank)
I.e Q=Cd*Ao*Sqrt(2gH)
Cd= 0.72
This gives me a flow of 80 L/s.
i.e V1=4.52 m/s (too high) (v1= flow at inlet to pipe from tank)
Now at level Z-X (so further down the high rise tower)
I change my riser from 150mm to 100mm (as demand becomes less and less)
Using continuity equation A1V1=A2V2, my V2 is too high
Problem: V1 and V2 too high. Code only allows 3m/s Max
How do i reduce the velocity ? (solving this means i meet code requirement, and reduce my pressure loss in kPa/100m length, i.e have enough pressure for my most remote fixtures, at the levels closest to the tank)
I have already tried to change outlet size of the water supply pipe at the tank from 150mm to 100mm, which only reduces the velocity negligibly (4.45m/s). Head is not a problem as I will specify a PRV station for excess of 552kPa anyway
All your inputs would be very much appreciated. I am pretty sure I have missed some crucial information in my text above, please ask if something is missing
Hydraulic Engineer